Dante's trilogy of Oscar Esquivias ( Unrest in Paradise , The City of the Great King and night comes ), which has occupied us these past months is a symbolic inquiry into human life and its stages in the style of reference work, The Divine Comedy . But made so that the nuances are of great interest. Esquivias choose to modify the narrative style in each of the volumes and adjusting the tone characteristic of each one of them. Therefore, in addition, treatment of the story conforms to the claim of the three stages. Biographical chronology and meaning are also of historical periods and stylistic successful in a game, the styles used by the author.
Esquivias is a success of bringing the symbolic spaces in cities and specific times: in them the characters are more devastated by the circumstances.
vertebra there anything around the elapse of the characters: life is a mess, a labyrinth in which there is no right to navigate a plane through heaven, purgatory or hell, because the maze is also within each. Even death released.
Ele Bergón out to stroll around Madrid and is with spaces and characters comes the evening, a current reference of the harvest ... Do not miss it, very useful input for locations of Esquivias.
M ª Ángeles Merino, Bee de la Vega , said chapters six and seven of comes the night so gracefully and so well in the picture, which brings us even Michael Jackson (also leaves the author). Chapter eight illustrates so well and work, the illustrations alone highlighted the effort. In the ninth chapter summary , I want to review their approach to the terrorist attacks and the excellent view of music as a binding thread of the trilogy. His commentary on chapter ten ( first and second part ) beautifully recreates the novel's exploration of family relationships and makes Esquivias. Finally, the summary illustrated the holidays is to its physical effects, as one would expect. Do not miss the dedication nor Esquivias leads us all through the efforts of our friend.
Pancho writes an excellent balance of the trilogy, from the influence of Valle in the creation of the characters to the range to start the novels. Essential .
J. G . close reading of the night comes : this entry is a literary game of mirrors and cities literary technique literaturización explain a city.
I suggest reading a blog entry of Firvulag , where commentators debate on the trilogy as a model of collective reading: among all conclusions can be more nuanced and rich.
Antonio Aguilera completes its analysis of sexuality in the trilogy with the commentary on this topic comes night. And it does not escape nor the author.
O s invited to participate in this virtual collective reading of Dante's trilogy Óscar Esquivias, continuing a variety of styles, purposes and perspectives that have enriched the text read Cervantes in the last two years .
If I forget someone, let me know to correct the omission
M ª Ángeles Merino, Bee de la Vega , profitable, well used, a journey through the field quiijotesco Montiel. not miss it.
News read Quijote
M ª Ángeles Merino, Bee de la Vega , profitable, well used, a journey through the field quiijotesco Montiel. not miss it.
Pancho can not get rid of fever quijotil or rental, as you will see . Manolo
retrieves a photo of him who gave us the readers of Don Quixote and accompanied by an excellent poem published by Antonio Gutiérrez Turrión to celebrate the day of the book. All highly recommended.
retrieves a photo of him who gave us the readers of Don Quixote and accompanied by an excellent poem published by Antonio Gutiérrez Turrión to celebrate the day of the book. All highly recommended.
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