Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Is It Ok For Babies To Eat Honey Teddy Grahams

Because you have died forever duck Stories

The Lament for Ignacio Sánchez Mejías alone would sustain the reputation of any poet. It is the pre-Lorca and Lorca New York later. As we know, is a poem composed after the death of the bullfighter Ignacio Sánchez Mejías , tragically caught by the bull in the Plaza de Manzanares on August 11, 1934 and died two days later in Madrid as a result of gangrene, written from the classical genre of Plautus , the structure and topics respects although not initially seem.

I now noticing the reflection of the poet, which precedes the body of his dead friend, claiming the presence of "men with harsh voices"

Here I want to see them. Before the stone.
Before this body with broken reins.
I want to show me the output
for this captain bound for death.

I want to teach me crying like a river
have sweet mists and steep banks,
to take the body of Ignacio where it lost no
listen twice breath of the bulls.

The farewell is bleak because Garcia Lorca know who dies without mercy, for ever ("It is finished") and, in fact, there is nothing beyond death:

Because you have died forever
like all the dead of the Earth,
like all the dead that
forget in a heap of lifeless dogs.

To prevent forgetfulness is only the poet, who sings the dead man and his virtues, not to be forgotten:

Nobody knows you. No. But I sing.
I sing for your profile and your grace.

Because poetry is in essentially this: to conquer death. The rest is just death because when one dies, it dies forever. Those who attend should not outrun death, but face it, at the foot of the stone that holds the body, as the poet. Accept the death of others is to accept, at last, the self.


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