Since I installed in this space the first meter of hits and popular entries, one of them stood in the first place and it has held continuously, summer Alley brick wall at the bottom . The published 31 August 2007. It's strange: this entry can hardly interested in a selective search, although one no longer knows what people want when you use an Internet browser. For me I had a very specific meaning when I posted, now overtaken by circumstances.
things have changed a lot since then. I carry, like all blind alleys. I do not deny that sometimes I can not understand the obsession that have a lot to lift brick walls and fencing in the streets. I was understandably concerned about not finding many things that can be symbolized by this image. But after exploring the alleys, always look on all sides, "I return to the open streets, drawing a new level. Perhaps all carry our own labyrinth and not be more than mice that spin to find the cheese. But do not give up, someday, be able to find a crack that open field out.
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