Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Brazillian Waxing Uncensored

Without us there is no democracy

Without us there is no democracy. For too long has circulated the poisonous idea that citizens can not change anything, that an individual can not fight the big corporations and economic interests with impunity decide that democracy becomes market. For too long we have believed that politics is something that happens outside of us, as if each of our actions were not governed by it. Favored even several generations away from the political consciousness with the disastrous consequences this has for the future of a country. For too long we have introduced the virus of the discredit of the systems parliament until the disease has spread, as if we had not learned anything from the historical times in which something similar has happened. For too long we have partaken of the feast of corruption, the silent, opportunism because we made do with the crumbs that fell from the table of the powerful.

We have been accomplices.

We made do and the consequences have been clear: our silence we have been delivered into the hands of those interests that benefit most from our passivity that our participation in each of the acts that make democracy.

Oldest The Acequia readers know that I do not blame both politicians and society of the current situation. After all, politicians are a product of this society: the best of them are expressions of the inertia more obvious, the worst are those who, with the permission of all, work for foreign interests to the public good. There are few who are saved because ciudanos also few who are saved. A society that loses momentum for democratic participation, which fits when things are going so well that no matter who gets angry only when it has no financial capacity to pretend to be rich and anesthetized with leisure, which is encouraging corruption or even voting claim to those who have consented to, a society that wants to be democratic because democracy requires daily effort, deserves the politicians they have.

So this area joins the initiative of real democracy and , which had already joined the blog brother Manifesto solidarity.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Is It Ok For Babies To Eat Honey Teddy Grahams

Because you have died forever duck Stories

The Lament for Ignacio Sánchez Mejías alone would sustain the reputation of any poet. It is the pre-Lorca and Lorca New York later. As we know, is a poem composed after the death of the bullfighter Ignacio Sánchez Mejías , tragically caught by the bull in the Plaza de Manzanares on August 11, 1934 and died two days later in Madrid as a result of gangrene, written from the classical genre of Plautus , the structure and topics respects although not initially seem.

I now noticing the reflection of the poet, which precedes the body of his dead friend, claiming the presence of "men with harsh voices"

Here I want to see them. Before the stone.
Before this body with broken reins.
I want to show me the output
for this captain bound for death.

I want to teach me crying like a river
have sweet mists and steep banks,
to take the body of Ignacio where it lost no
listen twice breath of the bulls.

The farewell is bleak because Garcia Lorca know who dies without mercy, for ever ("It is finished") and, in fact, there is nothing beyond death:

Because you have died forever
like all the dead of the Earth,
like all the dead that
forget in a heap of lifeless dogs.

To prevent forgetfulness is only the poet, who sings the dead man and his virtues, not to be forgotten:

Nobody knows you. No. But I sing.
I sing for your profile and your grace.

Because poetry is in essentially this: to conquer death. The rest is just death because when one dies, it dies forever. Those who attend should not outrun death, but face it, at the foot of the stone that holds the body, as the poet. Accept the death of others is to accept, at last, the self.

Monday, May 9, 2011

South Park In Streaming English

Do you know the history of duck cocky believed differently than others who lived in the park? Did not even have the meat tender and there was no way to soften. Comparable only to the history of those ducks that had despised the different feathers and turned their backs on not be like them.

Stories of ducks, of course.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Scabs Inside The Nostril

surface water (II)

suffice hand dip and stir gently, almost tenderly, the water's surface. The look would find ways that were there. And could not see.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Why Do Black People Have Yellow Red Eyes

water surface (I)

All hopes rest on the water surface: heaven and the abyss. At the time of the meeting as fruitful real is what does not exist. Paradox of human life.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Flee Bites On A Dogs Belly With Black In It

dance with you in Vienna

It is love that saves and kills. For it one is locked in a room that will not go out and dreams that will never end the kiss. García Lorca is saved New York-than symbol, and the metropolis itself and knows:

In Vienna there are ten girls,
a shoulder to cry on death
and forest of dried pigeons.
There is a fragment of the morning
in the museum of winter frost,
There is a lounge with a thousand windows.

The Little Viennese Waltz (dated February 13, 1930) of Poet in New York there is so much commitment and much strength in the expression of the union of love and death that has elevated to a Category art the simplest and repeated declaration of love:

I love you I love you, love you,
with the armchair and the book of death,
the melancholy hallway,
in the dark attic of the lily,
in our bed
moon and dance the turtle dreamed of.

is inevitable harbinger of death the loving, hence the bias is tragic that almost all love Lorca. The interesting thing is that I get to the mystery of the everyday - the chair, the book, the hallway, the attic, the bed - adjectives whose meaning is deepened so precisely dream - book of death, melancholy hallway, loft lily moon bed -. Therefore, the kiss of the beloved repeated in the mirrors (what a find!)

In Vienna there are four mirrors
where your mouth and play echoes

shown parallel to the death for piano / that paints little boys blue . Lorca again manages to recreate the simple declaration of love to take the mystery of the essence, that shows us as being destined to die:

Because I love you I love you, my love,
in the attic where children play,
dreaming ancient lights of Hungary
by rumors of the balmy afternoon,
seeing sheep and irises of snow
through the dark silence of your forehead.

Love, like life itself if lived with passion, never ignored the tragic dimension of death without that duality that must be lived with sadness, but with absolute dedication of assuming his mortality. This subject, as treated by the English baroque, here is freed from traditional morality to enter fully into the surreal dimension you want to delve into the very identity of our lives. Expressed This circular waltz rhythm , a waltz so painfully tragic that when reading easy to understand that all the short dimension of the biography of a person's worth if you find that finding, the love, of death and knows how to look directly its potential significance:

dance with you in Vienna
a costume that has
river head.
See what I have hyacinth shores!
I will leave my mouth between your legs,
my soul in photographs and lilies,
and in the dark wake of your footsteps
want, my love, my love, leave,
violin and grave, the waltzing ribbons.

only way truly deserves punishment say I love you, with high awareness of death. After all that remains is thrown into the river everything you have to spare. The rest can not be love but something else.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

What Causes Capillaries In Face

A realistic and symbolic space of our reading news. 1929 Lorca

Dante's trilogy of Oscar Esquivias ( Unrest in Paradise , The City of the Great King and night comes ), which has occupied us these past months is a symbolic inquiry into human life and its stages in the style of reference work, The Divine Comedy . But made so that the nuances are of great interest. Esquivias choose to modify the narrative style in each of the volumes and adjusting the tone characteristic of each one of them. Therefore, in addition, treatment of the story conforms to the claim of the three stages. Biographical chronology and meaning are also of historical periods and stylistic successful in a game, the styles used by the author.

Esquivias is a success of bringing the symbolic spaces in cities and specific times: in them the characters are more devastated by the circumstances.

vertebra there anything around the elapse of the characters: life is a mess, a labyrinth in which there is no right to navigate a plane through heaven, purgatory or hell, because the maze is also within each. Even death released.

recommendations Check here for joining the project and here index of the entries.

time ago I created a Facebook group Óscar Esquivias readers (not to be confused with pesonal profile) that also becomes a tool to follow this reading. Those of you profile on Facebook, you can apply to join.

News reading the trilogy Dante

Ele Bergón out to stroll around Madrid and is with spaces and characters comes the evening, a current reference of the harvest ... Do not miss it, very useful input for locations of Esquivias.

M ª Ángeles Merino, Bee de la Vega , said chapters six and seven of comes the night so gracefully and so well in the picture, which brings us even Michael Jackson (also leaves the author). Chapter eight illustrates so well and work, the illustrations alone highlighted the effort. In the ninth chapter summary , I want to review their approach to the terrorist attacks and the excellent view of music as a binding thread of the trilogy. His commentary on chapter ten ( first and second part ) beautifully recreates the novel's exploration of family relationships and makes Esquivias. Finally, the summary illustrated the holidays is to its physical effects, as one would expect. Do not miss the dedication nor Esquivias leads us all through the efforts of our friend.

Pancho writes an excellent balance of the trilogy, from the influence of Valle in the creation of the characters to the range to start the novels. Essential .

J. G . close reading of the night comes : this entry is a literary game of mirrors and cities literary technique literaturización explain a city.

I suggest reading a blog entry of Firvulag , where commentators debate on the trilogy as a model of collective reading: among all conclusions can be more nuanced and rich.

Antonio Aguilera completes its analysis of sexuality in the trilogy with the commentary on this topic comes night. And it does not escape nor the author.

O s invited to participate in this virtual collective reading of Dante's trilogy Óscar Esquivias, continuing a variety of styles, purposes and perspectives that have enriched the text read Cervantes in the last two years .

If I forget someone, let me know to correct the omission

News read Quijote

M ª Ángeles Merino, Bee de la Vega , profitable, well used, a journey through the field quiijotesco Montiel. not miss it.
Pancho can not get rid of fever quijotil or rental, as you will see . Manolo

retrieves a photo of him who gave us the readers of Don Quixote and accompanied by an excellent poem published by Antonio Gutiérrez Turrión to celebrate the day of the book. All highly recommended.

The reading of Don Quixote becomes ongoing project of the ditch (in this link) to which anyone can enter you want and, therefore, I will periodically publish relevant news.

If I forget someone, let me know to correct the omission.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

What Does Hpv Feel Like On A Man

Poet in New York , is a work of radical modernity surprising to those who first read though Federico García Lorca began writing in 1929: such is the stereotypical image. It is far from what others have wanted to sell as new since then. Often find artists who take refuge in ignorance of others. Even it was fashionable some years ago denying that he had to know the key works literature (or film or painting or sculpture): trap that many gullible fell purchased as new things that had been decades in the market. There are too many hucksters in the art and an audience that does not give importance to culture and which is easy to sell a pig in a poke.

To the knowledge of poems he hurt both his fortune publishing as the fact that the posthumous publication and later made him reach the moral and aesthetic environment of the post-war Spain would not be easily accepted. Not politically correct culture of the dictatorial regime of Franco and the aesthetic orthodoxy of the majority of artists and intellectuals that nourished the opposition could easily accept. Still happens today.

Anyway, Poet in New York is García Lorca's response not so much a personal conflict, which has insisted that seems to absorb so unfairly any other explanation, as an aesthetic tension that was advanced networks at the European avant-garde art. In 1929-even before the stock market crash happened but even more strongly after-part of the vanguard renounced his insignificance and no longer aspire to be novel became aware of the time when the climate that existed that would lead to social conflicts and wars of the next two decades.

The Surrealist circle in Paris led by Breton turned to the communist commitment and expelled from its ranks who refused to take that step and would rather follow the path of art without political and social commitment, including Dalí. Away from them, damaged their relationship with Dali and Bunuel, Garcia Lorca explores this path: Poet in New York is your response to this new pathway by which the vanguard, without ceasing to be taking sides in reporting the erroneous mechanized march of modernization, which canceled the individual and became marginalized in much of the population, especially belonging to minorities. The poet's commitment leads him, even as a victim offered for the redemption of the world.

In this book, Lorca's poetic voice comes out transformed: in a few months, the change that occurs is so profound that everything he had written before, to be so good, it pales. Poet in New York is many things, but above all a spiritual journey of the poetic self. Perhaps now, back into a troubled situation, we are better prepared to understand.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Soap Note Example In Ot

brick-walled alley

Since I installed in this space the first meter of hits and popular entries, one of them stood in the first place and it has held continuously, summer Alley brick wall at the bottom . The published 31 August 2007. It's strange: this entry can hardly interested in a selective search, although one no longer knows what people want when you use an Internet browser. For me I had a very specific meaning when I posted, now overtaken by circumstances.

things have changed a lot since then. I carry, like all blind alleys. I do not deny that sometimes I can not understand the obsession that have a lot to lift brick walls and fencing in the streets. I was understandably concerned about not finding many things that can be symbolized by this image. But after exploring the alleys, always look on all sides, "I return to the open streets, drawing a new level. Perhaps all carry our own labyrinth and not be more than mice that spin to find the cheese. But do not give up, someday, be able to find a crack that open field out.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Pokemon Ruby Infinite Rare Candy In Pc

Scars Revenge

How different is the justice of revenge. That you never get in the same way although it may seem. The first is the most difficult, that's so strange to find it. The second ignores stubborn, the lessons of history.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Clear Mole That Hurts

Beware of him who has no scars. You have not lived.