The albiceleste selected by 10 points to beat Chile's World Handball which takes place in Sweden. Now wait rival to play on Saturday.
ApoteĆ³tica. That's the word for the campaign that led Gallardo are doing at the World's specialty. Because not only lowered the local after a grueling match, but now swept the field to all trans-Andean, closing the match with a convincing 35-25.
Thus, for the second time in the history of this sport in our country, Argentina is inserted into the second round, improving as the previous world mark, which had closed its participation with the 15 ° position. From today are among the top 12 worldwide, and this is something that deserves a big celebration for the effort they are doing to put the combined the first national plans of this discipline.
's opponent Saturday will be known once the match between Sweden and Poland, leaving on Friday as a day off for the Argentines, who are already enjoying the taste of glory in their mouths, after a first round the world which have not taken anything but praise.
duo deserves the arbitration, that the final abused the 2-minute for the national team because in the last 8 minutes had to endure led by Gallardo, 4 exclusions, even Chile have led to superior number until the final whistle. However, the momentum to stop, Argentines stretched at that time, the advantage of 7 to 10 points, showing the desire to go down in history with these guys.
Pablo Santiago
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