CD 01/09 Bill
Article 1 .- It is declared a national emergency human resources in nursing.
Article 2 .- The object of this Act to establish the conditions for the training, professionalism and improvement in the employment of nursing human resources.
Article 3 .- It will be the enforcement authority of this the law and the MINISTRY OF HEALTH MINISTRY OF EDUCATION in relation to Article 14.
Article 4 .- The nursing education will be made through the Universities and Institutes of Higher Education that have due official recognition of the education authority concerned.
Article 5 .- Believe in the field of Ministry of Health on "National Development Plan of Nursing" which includes:
a. The formation of nursing human resources in order to achieve a ratio of qualified nurses in relation to medical professionals in at least 1:1 nationwide .
b. The professionalization of nursing assistants.
c. The creation and implementation of a scholarship program for the training and professionalization of nursing human resources.
d. Ongoing training of all nursing staff.
Article 6 .- Specific Trust A Fund to reach compliance with the National Plan for Development of Nursing 2009-2016 "which shall consist of funds from:
a. na u employer contribution by all healthcare companies equivalent to 0.5% of total monthly remuneration is settled workers covered by Article 3 of the Collective Labour Agreement No. 107/75 and 122/75 Collective Bargaining Agreement and that henceforth replace them;
b. of social work including in Law No. 23,660 and 23,661, of the social work of the Executive Branch agencies, of belonging to the Military Staff of the Armed Forces, Security, Argentina Federal Police, Security Police Airport, the Federal Penitentiary Service and retirees and retirees in the same field, the social work of the Judiciary's Office of the Directorate of Social Assistance for the staff of the National Congress and the agencies that provide care staff of universities, with an annual value of $ 8.00 per beneficiary owner and adherent.
c. the National Institute for Retirees and Pensioners S (INSSJP) with an annual value of $ 8.00 (eight dollars) per beneficiary.
d. budgetary allocations of those jurisdictions that adhere to the plan, which shall be determined in the agreement duly signed.
specific allocations e. mandated by the General Budget of the National Public Administration Program Activity 1 18, from the Jurisdiction 80 - MINISTRY OF HEALTH.
This fund will include contributions from natural and legal persons and other sources of funding from national or international.
annual values \u200b\u200bof $ 8.00 (eight dollars) specified in this Article shall be increased according to the percentage increase in the minimum wage and mobile.
article 7 .- The Fund created by the previous article shall be administered by the BANK OF ARGENTINA, which will act as trustee.
Article 8 .- The Ministry of Health is responsible for the distribution of the Fund detailed in Article 6, must allocate at least 70% (seventy percent) of total to fund scholarships for students. The remaining percentage of the funds will be used to:
a) Grant subsidies to public institutions of higher education and university, and private institutions, the tariff can not or professional training of fellows, including the National Development Plan in nursing.
b) Advocacy and dissemination of the Plan,
c) ; promote the creation of state institutions in jurisdictions where none existed, and,
d) the increased allocation of grant funding for transportation in cases where the training institution is not in the place of residence of the fellow .
Operating expenses arising from the application of this Act, shall not exceed 3% (three percent) of total this Fund.
Article 9 .- The agreements under which the scholarships are implemented by the "National Development Plan of Nursing, shall prescribe the requirements for registration, approval, continuation and completion of training, and the obligation to provide services in a public or private institution in the country for a minimum of 3 years, as well as reinstatement to be undertaken by the scholars against this breach, or abandoning his scholarship.
Article 10 .- The Ministry Health define annually the number of scholarships granted liable and their amounts.
Article 11 .- After the enactment of this law, all nursing courses must have the minimum entry requirement for the implementation of compulsory secondary education as established Article 16 of Law 26,206 of National Education.
Article 12 .- the purpose of tracking the implementation of the Plan under this Act and to issue recommendations necessary to carry out the same, believe in a consultative National Monitoring Committee on Implementation of National Development Plan in Nursing, which will consist of representatives of the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Security, the National University Council, the Federal Council of Health, National Institute for Retirees and Pensioners, the Federal Council of Education, the Social Security agencies, Forming Associations and Professional Nursing and unions that gather workers.
The Ministry of Health must convene within a period not exceeding sixty (60) days
Article 13 .- The MINISTRY OF HEALTH, promoted in the field FEDERAL HEALTH COUNCIL necessary arrangements so that the judicial authorities to implement the plan and make the adjustments hierarchical scale and corresponding budget for the incorporation of staff trained under this law.
Article 14 .- The Ministry of Education shall promote agreements needed in the University Council to include nursing in terms provided for in Article 43 of Law No. 24,521, Higher Education. In the case of the Institutes of Higher Education will be the Federal Council of Education who will promote the necessary arrangements to ensure curriculum guidelines common to all jurisdictions.
In both cases the body must be issued within a maximum of nine (9) months.
Article 15 .- invites the provinces and the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires to adhere to this law.
Article 16 .- communicated to the Executive.
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