cheoalemana Wonderful film production, directed by Bohdan Slama, features three characters who live in the same block of flats. Monika, Tonik and Dasha grew up together in a shantytown on the outskirts of a small industrial city. Now the three childhood friends are adults struggling with the desire, loneliness, longing and failure. Monika's boyfriend has emigrated to America in search of wealth and success, and she remains hopeful that soon will send a ticket to join him. Tonik has fled from a conservative home where he drowned and has taken refuge with her eccentric aunt, together swashbuckling defend a crumbling farmhouse threatened by neighboring industrial complex. Dasha has two young children and a married lover is cheating. It is a fragile woman, unpredictable, which is getting closer to the abyss of despair and becomes very aggressive with their loved dearest. Although none of the three is willing to admit it, each craves something with others. This desire to tie them with a friendly complex, difficult and passionate. Dasha's mental state worsens and admitted to a psychiatric facility. Monika feared losing custody of children and care for them. When Tonik offers help - initially, he offers his house - he discovers that he loves her in silence. To Tonik is a new beginning, a new opportunity, but despite his hopes, this happy family is not just a temporary game. Monika expected to flee to the land of opportunity, children are more than a loan and there is always a leak in the pipes of the farm.
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