Hace días que no se me va de la cabeza Jorge Luis Borges. Y coincide, claro, no existe casualidad sin que el azar halla puesto su granito de arena, con estas fechas que nos traen mal a los argentinos...Malas fechas, recuerdos nefastos y oscuros, y no como esa oscuridad en la que vivía el escritor y que agradecía, y que hizo de su mundo ficticio una rara avis para admirar...Coincide porque cuanto más una lee sobre él, se da cuenta que los mitos también tienen carnadura, decay by the same pain and the horrible living perhaps with some black humor livianiza a little hopeless reality.
always believed, always, I swear that Don Jorge Luis was indifferent or worse, not wet properly with items such as Argentina, among others, the Disappeared. Forgive the ignorance of this little woman. But precisely this "excuse my ignorance," I walked away from its ideologically patriarchal figure and hieratic. I just read a requested his 1980 in Diario Clarin-by-military dictatorship where it says exactly:
"... When I heard about this whole issue of the disappeared I was terribly wrong. I was told a general had said that if a hundred hostages, five were guilty, justified the killing of the ninety-five remaining. He had offered him to be kidnapped, tortured and killed to test that theory, to give validity to his argument! "
This is just one piece but wanted to share with you and I were ignorant about certain positions, although not are so risky that we tried to be that of an intellectual greatness, at least vindicate him as a human being near you.
And my greatest tribute inspired ink on his face.
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